Co-funded by the European Union
Newsletter juillet, 2022

Workplace absenteeism: a rapidly growing phenomenon

juillet, 2022
  • According to the latest data, absenteeism at work is a phenomenon that has been growing enormously in recent times especially after the pandemic and can have a significant impact on business.

“Diversity and inclusion in organisations: the skills-related challenges of a cultural transformation” (a Cegos International survey)

juillet, 2022
  • A report by the Cegos Observatory of April 2022 shows that diversity & inclusion (D&I) policy remains a key challenge for HR managers (HRMs).

South Korea proposes a flexible hours system

juillet, 2022
  • On 23 June 2022, the Ministry of Employment and Labour released a series of proposals to the working hour and the wage system in South Korea, aiming to give to give employers and workers more flexibility post-covid.
  • Among the proposed measures there is a plan to increase the period for calculating overtime under a so-called flexible working hours system.

Spain publishes guidance on the use of algorithms in the workplace

juillet, 2022
  • On 10 June 2022, the Spanish Ministry of Employment and Social Security published guidelines on “Algorithmic data in a labor environment,”.
  • They set out the main obligations companies must comply with when using automated decision-making systems and algorithms in the workplace.

Taiwan: a decision on employment or independent contractor relationship of a delivery person

juillet, 2022
  • On 17 March 2022, the Taipei High Administrative Court, in 109-Su-1046 Decision,  stated the employment relationship between a digital delivery platform and a delivery persons.

Canada: dismissal undegrounds of Workplace Sexual Harassment

juillet, 2022
  • The Court of Appeal for Ontario upheld a termination for cause for slapping a colleague’s buttocks and later joked about it.
  • The decision clears the difference between common law “just cause” and statutory “wilful misconduct", stating that the employee was entitled to receive statutory termination payments.

Japan: an antitrust case with an impact on algorithms used by the companies

juillet, 2022
  • The Tokyo District Court rulled that a restaurant review platform's unilateral change to its rankings algorithm violated the Japanese antitrust law that prohibits abuse of "superior bargaining power."
  • The decision shows that, even if Big Tech groups have long argued that their algorithms should be considered trade secrets in all circumstances, courts and regulators across the world have begun to challenge that position.

USA: Florida adopts the Stop WOKE Act

juillet, 2022
  • On 22 April 2022, Florida Governor, Ron DeSantis, signed the “Stop WOKE” Act (HB 7) - as an acronym for “Stop the Wrongs to our Kids and Employees - into law.
  • It came into force on 1 July 2022.