Co-funded by the European Union
Newsletter décembre, 2020

Finnish Labour Court dealt with a breach of labour peace obligations

décembre, 2020
  • The Helsinki Labour Court settled the case between a company and the union in the electricity sector, for violation of the collective agreement in force and the duty of peace.

New Zealand aims at changing the “Fair Pay Agreement” system

décembre, 2020
  • In 2018, the Government of New Zealand commenced internal discussions on the establishment of a “Fair Pay Agreement system”, a system combining simultaneously collective negotiations and the establishment of minimum legal employment standards.
  • The legislation is currently discussed among social partners and received important criticism for de facto imposing collective negotiations.

Switzerland: minimum wage in Geneva now amounts to monthly CHF4210 (USD4768) gross per employee

décembre, 2020
  • On 27 September 2020, the citizens of the Geneva Canton agreed to modify the Law on Inspection and Labour Relations, by the institution of a mandatory minimum hourly wage.
  • This means that the monthly minimum wage will amount to CHF4210 gross per employee (42 hours weekly).

The role of HR Services: how to mind the gap

décembre, 2020
  • Focus on the role of private employment services and the private sector facing the trends of the “future of work”.
  • Proposals to ensure that the social impact of these trends meets innovation.

Singapore United: an initiative to get together and be stronger

décembre, 2020
  • Covid-19 pushed Singaporeans to play a role during the peak of the pandemic, from showing their appreciation for workers on the frontline to volunteering in support of the vulnerable persons of the society.
  • Singapore United was launched by the Singaporean Government to allow everyone to give their support in a coordinate manner.

Colombia: the aviation company Avianca resumed social dialogue with the pilot and cabin crew trade unions

décembre, 2020
  • After 11 years of difficult relationships, the company signed a collective agreement with the pilot trade union Acdac.
  • A few days later the company reached another agreement with the cabin crew trade union, Acav.

French social partners sign a new interprofessional agreement on telework

décembre, 2020
  • On 26 November 2020, French social partners concluded a national interprofessional agreement on telework, that provides a framework clarifying the rules and modalities of remote working.
  • The text encourages social dialogue at the company and sectoral levels.

Italy: new collective agreement signed for the sector of domestic work

décembre, 2020
  • The text contains important updates and simplification measures compared to the previous collective agreement, on categories, qualifications, organisation of work, and salaries.