Co-funded by the European Union
Newsletter avril, 2021

Uruguay adopts a law on working time during vaccination

avril, 2021
  • Employees that get Covid-19 vaccination have a justified leave of 4 hours from work

Viet Nam new Labour Code entered into force in January 2021

avril, 2021
  • The new legislative framework is in line with the ILO Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, as established in several trade agreements signed by Viet Nam;
  • New laws and policies put greater emphasis on social dialogue at the workplace and collective bargaining.

Company level social dialogue in times of restructuring: news from Belgium

avril, 2021
  • Social partners recently confirmed the joint recommendations signed in December 2019 on collective dismissals and agreed to assess their content again within three years
  • The Government communicated its desire to evaluate an improvement of the entire system, thus overriding the social dialogue outcome.

Italian tripartite agreement on a company vaccination plan

avril, 2021
  • On 6 April 2021 Italian social partners and the government signed an agreement on a company vaccination plan.
  • It is the first tripartite agreement of this type.

Global Development of International Labour Standards, a new IOE publication

avril, 2021
  • The International Organisation of Employers (IOE) has contributed a publication for an international comparative guide.
  • The chapter provides an overview of the development of International Labour Standards (ILS), including the processes of standard-setting, ratification, and supervisory procedures at the International Labour Organisation (ILO).

International Labour Organisation Committee on Freedom of Association, Outcome of the March 2021 session

avril, 2021
  • Summary of the legal basis and role of this ILO organ
  • Relevant cases examined in the March 2021 session dealt with essential services during strike action and the violation of trade union rights

International migration and innovative start-ups: the IOE-Seedstars Migration challenge

avril, 2021
  • At the end of the GFMD 2021 Summit, the winner of the IOE-Seedstars Migration challenge was proclaimed: it is the tech start-up DignifAI, providing concrete support to the employment of migrant population in the Colombian-Venezuelan and Brazilian-Venezuelan borders.
  • A new migration challenge for 2022 was just launched

European Commission launches a consultation on the employment status of platform workers

avril, 2021
  • The European Commission started consulting social partners with a view to possibly undertake action “to address the challenges related to working conditions in the platform work”.
  • The World Employment Confederation-Europe and BUSINESSEUROPE submitted their views and asked the EU Commission to refrain from using a one-size-fits all approach to regulation of platform work at the EU level.