Co-funded by the European Union
Newsletter avril, 2021

How do Public and Private Employment Services collaborate to support Activation and Transition?

avril, 2021
  • WEC published a report on partnerships between public and private employment services
  • The report shows that much collaboration is present in countries with a mature and professional private employment industry
  • The key opportunities identified to level up these partnerships are increased functioning of labour markets and increased access to talent for employers
  • The urgency of these collaborations is underscored by the increased need to support people in making more labour market transition over the course of their lives.

Skills strategies for a sustainable world of work: a joint publication WBCSD and GAN

avril, 2021
  • The publication looked into questions such as “What is the risk of not addressing skills mismatches?”, “How to prepare a corporate skills strategy?”
  • The 16 case studies are key to understand the business case for upskilling

Post pandemic working arrangements, productivity increase and remote work potential analysed by McKinsey & Company

avril, 2021
  • Recent research shows how post pandemic organisation of work may respond to employees preferred working arrangements and how this affects productivity
  • The hybrid model of both remote and office work emerged as the desired work arrangement
  • Only certain occupations and tasks are able to be conducted in this way. Important differences among countries are showcased.

Swedish government releases its strategy on a “good working environment”

avril, 2021
  • The strategy aims at having a sustainable working life, together with safety at work and respect for laws.
  • It echoes the European Pillar of Social Rights and the EU strategic framework on health and safety at work.

Career guidance to fill the skills gaps

avril, 2021
  • Following an OECD report from January 2021, private employment agencies’ managers and employment experts recall the importance of career guidance.
  • Career guidance must gain visibility but also be improved through subsidies and more effective services.

Argentina introduces a law on telework

avril, 2021
  • The law and its implementing Regulation were strongly criticised by Argentinian social partners, mainly for the poor quality of prior consultation, that failed to take into account the input of the social partners, specially the comments introduced by the private sector. 
  • The main issues concern the difficulty of implementation of the clauses of reversibility, right to disconnect, employees with special care responsibilities and contracts for non-residents.

Italy adopts a compulsory vaccination approach for care personnel

avril, 2021
  • Violation of this law entails the transfer to another type of work or, if this is not possible, the suspension from tasks or duties that involve interpersonal contacts and the risk to spread the virus.

Hungary reform on Labour Inspection

avril, 2021
  • It introduced Flexibility in the sanctioning of infringements, among others;
  • The reform lacked proper consultation with the social partners, especially on the content of the regulatory Decrees.