Co-funded by the European Union
Respuestas y estrategias políticas
Newsletter mayo, 2021

Fostering intra trade in Africa and its impact on employment

mayo, 2021
  • The African Continental Free Trade Agreement will have profound impact on jobs and investments.
  • Additional rules are required for the agreement to be fully operationalised.
  • The private sector in conjunction with employers’ organisations has a key role to play.

The key role of Labour Migration in the post-Covid recovery

mayo, 2021
  • In light of the social and economic consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic, the IOE Policy Working Group on Migration has restated the priorities for migration and recruitment practices.
Newsletter abril, 2021

Swedish government releases its strategy on a “good working environment”

abril, 2021
  • The strategy aims at having a sustainable working life, together with safety at work and respect for laws.
  • It echoes the European Pillar of Social Rights and the EU strategic framework on health and safety at work.
Newsletter marzo, 2021

Voluntary vaccination and employers’ responsibilities in Canada

marzo, 2021
  • Mandatory vaccination policies continue to be a heavily debated topic amongst Canadian employers

Federation of Egyptian Industries presented an advocacy plan to favour industrial growth and encourage foreign direct investment

marzo, 2021
  • The Federation of Egyptian Industries (FEI) periodically updates the state of play of national reforms and the related business’ recommendations
  • The plan considers topics such as labour law, social security law, trade union law, SMEs easiness of doing business, among others
  • FEI advocacy plan has been successful in a series of reforms, especially on trade and investments

Italy: a regional government introduces measures to support jobseekers

marzo, 2021
  • Jobseekers in the Italian Region Veneto are supported with an allowance of a maximum amount of EUR 5.796
  • So far the measure has supported 52,775 unemployed persons
  • It is a form of successful collaboration between public and private employment services
Newsletter febrero, 2021

Costa Rican Employers’ Association presents proposals for the economic recovery

febrero, 2021
  • The Costa Rican Union of Chambers and Associations of the Private Business Sector (UCCAEP) promotes the economic recovery
  • UCCAEP advocates for the approval of the loan from the IMF, to be accompanied by measures that allow for economic recovery, support for the private sector, job creation and a reduction of informality levels

Ireland implements the National Remote Work Strategy: policy and practical application

febrero, 2021
  • On 15 January 2021, the Irish Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment published its National Remote Work Strategy, called ‘Making Remote Work’.
  • The strategy aims at ensuring that “remote working is a permanent feature in the Irish workplace in a way that maximises economic, social and environmental benefits”.
Newsletter enero, 2021

Business Botswana in the front line for the implementation of a recovery plan

enero, 2021
  • Business Botswana provides concrete suggestions for “building back better” through a Guide on Recovery Plan for the Private Sector

Results of the Israelian grant to all its citizens in August 2020

enero, 2021
  • The grant secured by the Israelian Government to all its resident citizens was able to stimulate the domestic economy
  • Despite its lack of precise target, some redistribution was ensured by the recipients themselves

Minimum wage will increase in various US States in 2021

enero, 2021
  • The US Federal minimum wage of USD $7.25 per hour (less for tipped employees) was last updated in 2009
  • 20 US states will progressively increase their minimum wage rates as of January 2021, in certain states up to USD $15-an-hour
Newsletter diciembre, 2020

The role of HR Services: how to mind the gap

diciembre, 2020
  • Focus on the role of private employment services and the private sector facing the trends of the “future of work”.
  • Proposals to ensure that the social impact of these trends meets innovation.
Newsletter noviembre, 2020

Honduras: Employers’ organisation COHEP plays a key role towards the economic reactivation

noviembre, 2020
  • Covid-19 in Honduras was characterized by high levels of collaboration within the employers’ community.
  • COHEP members together advocated for the reopening of businesses and successfully presented possible practical solutions, including safety protocols, gradual reopening, shifts, etc.

A private company’s vision on bridging the skills gap and favouring employability. A white paper from Adecco Group

noviembre, 2020
  • The Adecco Group released the paper “Employability, not only employment. VET, apprenticeships and the urgent need to bridge the skills gap in a post-Covid world”
  • Vocational education training (VET) and apprenticeships are the suggested tools to close this gap.
  • Once the obstacles for their best use are defined, a coordinated approach is suggested.

How is remote work local country regulation impacting businesses? A position paper from Randstad

noviembre, 2020
  • The article “a position paper on remote work local country regulation” provides a very clear and straightforward analysis of what must be taken into account when revising or drafting a legislation or regulation on remote work.
Newsletter octubre, 2020

Australian job agencies joined forces to promote the role of the industry

octubre, 2020
  • A national campaign was launched to present the positive outcome the private employment service can play to lead the economic recovery in Australia;
  • Private employment agency industry has found the right job for 360,000 Australians, including 100,000 jobs during the Covid-19 crisis.

Morocco: The General Confederation of Moroccan Enterprises (CGEM) offers a unique service to its members

octubre, 2020
  • A new “corridor” is established with the National Social Security institution to better support CGEM members on specific problems related to social security
Newsletter septiembre, 2020

Finland: results of the minimum basic income experiment and employers’ views

septiembre, 2020
  • Small employment improves economic security and mental wellbeing; 
  • apart from financial contributions, active labour market policies are needed. 

Mexico: the Business Coordination Council introduces tools to prevent labour disputes

septiembre, 2020
  • The new trade agreement between Canada, Mexico and the USA could limit Mexican companies to export to the US or Canada because of labour disputes. 
  • The Employer’s federation CCE, provided tools for Mexican business to prevent this from happening.  

Senegal: Senegal: Employers participate in the country's economic reconstruction

septiembre, 2020
  • The Government of Senegal adopted specific measures concerning individual dismissals during the pandemic
  • The most representative employers' organisaiton, CNP, played a key role in the management of the crisis
  • CNP is presenting key proposal for the economic recovery 
Newsletter agosto, 2020

Morocco: outcomes of the Economic Monitoring Committee

agosto, 2020
  • A Committee, composed of governmental members and representatives of the business sectors, met nine times to monitor the economic situation and present concrete solutions.

Nigeria: NECA assesses the policy responses needed to support businesses and employees

agosto, 2020
  • 4,021 companies replied to NECA’s survey on the direct and indirect impact of the pandemic on their operation;
  • A series of request was compiled and was presented to the Government.
Newsletter julio, 2020

The new “flexible way of work” policy in Telenor

julio, 2020
  • the possibility to choose where to work has a positive impact on motivation and productivity
  • the organisation of work has also improved
Newsletter julio, 2020

Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI)’s successful role during the crisis

julio, 2020
  • ACCI actions on employment and businesses recovery;
  • Certain challenges with regards to productivity and collective agreements remain.
  • ACCI changes at the organisational level
Newsletter mayo, 2020

Bangladesh Employers’ Federation (BEF) Assessing the Impact of the Crisis

mayo, 2020
  • BEF published a study on possible scenarios, impact of COVID-19 and the consequences on the Bangladeshi labour market and economy.
  • BEF also produced an “Aide-Mémoire” to serve as a checklist for employers, managers, supervisors and workers when the factories reopen post COVID-19.   
  • On the basis of the study and the consequences on the Bangladeshi labour market and economy, BEF advocated for realistic assessment in support of enterprises and business to allow them to create jobs.

Swiss Employers’ Federations Successfully Advocated for Extended Economic Benefits to the Self-Employed Workers

mayo, 2020
  • Self-employed workers affected by the crisis entitled to an allowance.