Co-funded by the European Union
Newsletter septiembre, 2020

Finland: results of the minimum basic income experiment and employers’ views

septiembre, 2020
  • Small employment improves economic security and mental wellbeing; 
  • apart from financial contributions, active labour market policies are needed. 

Mexico: the Business Coordination Council introduces tools to prevent labour disputes

septiembre, 2020
  • The new trade agreement between Canada, Mexico and the USA could limit Mexican companies to export to the US or Canada because of labour disputes. 
  • The Employer’s federation CCE, provided tools for Mexican business to prevent this from happening.  

Senegal: Senegal: Employers participate in the country's economic reconstruction

septiembre, 2020
  • The Government of Senegal adopted specific measures concerning individual dismissals during the pandemic
  • The most representative employers' organisaiton, CNP, played a key role in the management of the crisis
  • CNP is presenting key proposal for the economic recovery 

India: Supreme Court decision on the payment of wage during the lockdown

septiembre, 2020
  • A Supreme Court decision pushes employers and trade unions to negotiate on the payment of wages during the lockdown 

Cross-border employees: the exception to the European regulation is extended

septiembre, 2020
  • European regulation on the 25% limit of telework in the country of residence for cross-border workers was suspended by agreements among neighbouring European countries 

Italy: novelties in the extension of fixed-term contracts

septiembre, 2020
  • The Italian government extended the ability for employers to use fixed-term contracts.  
  • The change increased the ability to renew fixed-term contracts and increased the maximum duration of working on a fixed term contract.  
  • The changes applies to fixed-term contracts concluded by employers and employment agencies alike. 

Italy and Spain: Unemployment benefits may coexist with a fixed-term job in agriculture

septiembre, 2020
  • Restrictions to the movement of seasonal workers and the situation of unemployed workers pushed governments to ease the hiring of workers in agriculture, even if already receiving unemployment benefits. 

Germany legislation on funds for training during the short-time work scheme duration

septiembre, 2020
  • A draft legislation is under discussion to support investments in training during the operation of  the short time work scheme.