Co-funded by the European Union
Newsletter octubre, 2020

Cote d’Ivoire: a special tripartite committee to face the Covid-19 pandemic

octubre, 2020
  • The Committee was established on the top of the existing social dialogue institutions with the objective to deal with issues specific to Covid-19 crisis.
  • One of the topics for reflection is a new legislation on remote working.

Tripartite dialogue in Zambia: pandemic related exemptions to the Employment Code Act will become permanent and revise the Act

octubre, 2020
  • Social dialogue paved the road to a change into the Employment Code Act
  • Social partners agreement was key to achieve a consensual decision with the Government

G20 Ministerial Declaration on Labour and Employment and B20 Taskforce recommendations

octubre, 2020
  • G20 Ministries of Labour and Employment provided unconditional support to prioritising decent jobs for all and a robust and adaptive social protection system.
  • The B20 released its recommendations on the Future of Work and Education.

UNDP suggests the introduction of a temporary basic income to protect poor and vulnerable people in developing countries

octubre, 2020
  • Measures of economic support for the most vulnerable have been adopted by certain countries;
  • The UNDP report is providing the cost of this measure, with three possible scenarios according to the financial possibility of the country

Federation of West African Employers’ Organisations (FOPAO) provides the business perspective to the Economic Community of West African States (CEDEAO) on Covid-19 recovery

octubre, 2020
  • FOPAO focused on support companies, diversification, employment support, health and safety of workers beyond Covid-19.

Social partners of the countries of the European Union: a new study to assess capacity gaps and needs for effective social dialogue

octubre, 2020
  • The study showed how the weakness of social partners and lack of representativeness can hinder effective social dialogue;
  • Legislative reforms and a supportive role of the state are key to improve social dialogue processes.
  • Employers stressed on the need to ensure autonomy of the social partners and sufficient room for manoeuvre.

Violation of EU General Data Protection Regulation can result in heavy fines for companies

octubre, 2020
  • GDPR covers all data protection, including employment data and customer data.
  • Companies should carefully control the respect for the Regulation to avoid heavy penalties.