Co-funded by the European Union
Newsletter octubre, 2020

Spain adopted a new legislation on remote working

octubre, 2020
  • The legislation on remote working was finalised and adopted by Royal Decree-Law 28/2020 on 22 September 2020.
  • While at the outset the Government did not involve the social partners in the development of the draft text, trade unions and employers’ organisations were finally able to negotiate and agree on the main elements of the law.

The private sector in Africa mobilised resources to fight Covid-19

octubre, 2020
  • The Covid-19 Response Fund is backed by a coalition of African companies.
  • Its objective is to procure medical supplies as well as support to vulnerable population and health workers.

Australian job agencies joined forces to promote the role of the industry

octubre, 2020
  • A national campaign was launched to present the positive outcome the private employment service can play to lead the economic recovery in Australia;
  • Private employment agency industry has found the right job for 360,000 Australians, including 100,000 jobs during the Covid-19 crisis.

Morocco: The General Confederation of Moroccan Enterprises (CGEM) offers a unique service to its members

octubre, 2020
  • A new “corridor” is established with the National Social Security institution to better support CGEM members on specific problems related to social security

Singaporean Government and social partners tasked with the creation of jobs ahead

octubre, 2020
  • Social partners get together to concretely support 100,000 jobseekers.
  • Identify and develop job opportunities and skills training are the goals of the tripartite National Jobs Council.
  • Job opportunities are developed through temporary assignments, attachments and traineeships.

Spain: Supreme Court decision on the employment status of workers for a delivery company and social dialogue process on a "Riders Law"

octubre, 2020
  • Spanish Supreme Court held that the riders of a delivery company are employees.
  • This decision accelerated the government initiative towards the elaboration of a “Riders law”, with the involvement of the social partners.

Romania: changes in labour law introduce a certification for “labour law experts” and improve conciliation of labour disputes

octubre, 2020
  • The certification of labour law experts introduces a new profession, but it was ultimately only required for human resources companies.
  • The employers’ organisation Concordia expressed some criticism on the coverage and clarity of the law.

European Union: amendment to the Directive on the posting of workers and transposition into Swedish national laws

octubre, 2020
  • The amendment to the Posting of Workers Directive had to be transposed into national law in July 2020.
  • Sweden has already complied with this obligation after undergoing a process of dialogue with the social partners.
  • The outcome regulation is not fully satisfactory as there is still a lack of clarity on a major part of the amendment concerning wages, which is likely to impact companies.