Co-funded by the European Union
Newsletter enero, 2021

Peruvian new agrarian law is adopted in the midst of social partners' objections

enero, 2021
  • The 2000 agrarian law was derogated by the Peruvian parliament without consulting or taking into account the views of the social partners
  • The reform generated violent protests throughout the country
  • The new law imposes a higher minimum living wage and requires the employers to pay a special bonus, equal to 30% the minimum living wage
  • Bipartite discussions continue, prior to the adoption of the specific regulations to be annexed to the law.

Danish Competition and Consumer Authority pronounces on the establishment of fees by collective agreement in a platform company

enero, 2021
  • Two years after a platform company signed a collective agreement with a trade union, the Danish Competition and Consumer Authority considered it does not align with the EU competition law
  • The authority required the company to partially modify their business model to fully comply with the EU law

Panama: outcomes of the tripartite Dialogue for Labour Economy and Development, including the regulation on telework

enero, 2021
  • The tripartite dialogue concluded with 23 consensual agreements on various matters
  • It triggered the discussion and finalisation of the implementing regulation on telework

Business and labour organisations’ call to G20 governments

enero, 2021
  • On 1st December 2020, Italy took over the G20 Presidency
  • This highly challenging period will require a lot of efforts from all G20 members to deliver an inclusive and resilient recovery
  • The IOE, together with 13 international business and labour organisations, have signed a joint letter to G20 governments calling to ensure that “building back better” is not just a mantra but materialises into concrete positive outcomes

The best and worst of Covid-19 responses, Adecco analysis of 20 countries

enero, 2021
  • The paper provides a comparison of policy responses based on macroeconomic and pandemic indicators
  • This is a useful tool for policy action and advocacy purposes
  • 20 countries and their responses by October 2020 were examined

Brexit and its repercussions on employment law

enero, 2021
  • The European Union and the UK were able to conclude a trade and cooperation agreement to regulate their future relationship
  • This agreement will have important repercussions on employment law. It has also consequences on the social security regimes and bilateral agreements

Mapping on new forms of work in the countries of the European Union and Norway

enero, 2021
  • Eurofound research highlighted and measured 9 new forms of work
  • It proposed policymakers to focus on “balancing flexibility with the retention of employment standards and workers’ protection”.