Co-funded by the European Union
Newsletter enero, 2021

Business Botswana in the front line for the implementation of a recovery plan

enero, 2021
  • Business Botswana provides concrete suggestions for “building back better” through a Guide on Recovery Plan for the Private Sector

Results of the Israelian grant to all its citizens in August 2020

enero, 2021
  • The grant secured by the Israelian Government to all its resident citizens was able to stimulate the domestic economy
  • Despite its lack of precise target, some redistribution was ensured by the recipients themselves

Minimum wage will increase in various US States in 2021

enero, 2021
  • The US Federal minimum wage of USD $7.25 per hour (less for tipped employees) was last updated in 2009
  • 20 US states will progressively increase their minimum wage rates as of January 2021, in certain states up to USD $15-an-hour

German Federal Labour Court decision on the case of a crowdworker and relative salary

enero, 2021
  • The German Federal Labour Court (No. 9 AZR 102/201, 1 December 2020) re-classified the crowdworker as an employee
  • It determined also that for remuneration purposes, the company shall not be bound by pre-established fees that the worker received as a self-employed worker. 

New Zealand Employment Court’s decision on the case of a self-employed for a platform company

enero, 2021
  • The Employment Court examined the terms of the Service Agreement, the intention of the parties and the relationship operated in practice.
  • It ruled against the classification of the complainant as an employee of Uber

Apple adjusts its executives’ bonuses to social, environmental, governance performance

enero, 2021

Austria reform on employment law

enero, 2021
  • In Austria, a new collective agreement will enter into force at the end of 2021 for all employees of companies in the trade sector
  • The agreement will reform the salary schedule and aims at uniformising and reducing the salary levels, and “to create a modern scheme of employment groups, obtain more legal certainty in job grading

Mexico regulates telework

enero, 2021
  • On 9 December 2020, the Mexican Senate approved a reform to the Federal Labour Law to regulate telework.
  • The law establishes the voluntary nature of this form of work and the need to define it in writing