Co-funded by the European Union
Newsletter abril, 2022

Natwest Group invests in climate issues training for its employees

abril, 2022
  • UK’s NatWest Group will provide climate training to more than 16,000 employees by the end of 2024, in partnership with the University of Edinburgh Centre for Business, Climate Change and Sustainability.

Thailand: a recent research on platform-based care workers

abril, 2022
  • Between January 2019 and June 2021, Just Economy and Labour Institute (JELI), with support from the International Development Research Center Canada (IDRC) conducted action-oriented research on platform-based care workers including domestic workers and massage therapists in Thailand.

Norway: Court of Appeal provides guidance for dismissing employees by email

abril, 2022
  • A recent ruling from the Borgarting Court of Appeal has allowed dismissal by email upon delivery in the employee's mailbox to be accepted in some cases.
  • The decision is a clear exception to the general principle that employers must send dismissal notices to employees in person or by registered letter.

“Care at work: Investing in care leave and services for a more gender equal world of work” (an ILO report)

abril, 2022
  • The report, published on 7 March 2022 by the International Labour Organisation (ILO), provides global overview of national laws and practices regarding care policies (maternity protection, paternity, parental and other care-related leave policies).









Denmark: a tripartite agreement on sexual harassment in the workplace

abril, 2022
  • The Danish Government and social partners have entered into a tripartite agreement on how to combat sexual harassment in the workplace.
  • It aims to encourage and support a cultural change on this relevant matter.

Vietnam: new resolution changed overtime regulation

abril, 2022
  • On 23 March 2022 the National Assembly's Standing Committee adopted Resolution No. 17on employees’ monthly, annual overtime hours in the context of COVID-19 prevention and socio-economic development”, aiming to facilitate socio-economic recovery and development from the pandemic. 
  • It increased, until 31 December 2022, the maximum monthly overtime limit and relaxed the annual restrictions on overtime currently provided for in the 2019 Labour Code.

Ireland: the Government published a report on the use of non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) in discrimination and sexual harassment disputes

abril, 2022

The Austrian Bitpanda company introduces an unlimited “Annual Leave” policy

abril, 2022
  • Digital investment platform Bitpanda enhanced its benefits policy, aiming to offer freedom and flexibility to its employees.
  • Everyone will receive the same benefits, regardless of their role, level, or position.