Co-funded by the European Union

Gabon: agreement to set up a specific sub-committee on employment and decent work

  • During the recent visit of ILO Director-General Gilbert F. Houngbo to Gabon on 1 and 2 July 2024, a sub-committee on employment and decent work at the National Assembly was estabilished.
  • This development is set to bring substantial benefits to businesses, signaling Gabon's commitment to fostering a more structured and supportive environment for employers.
  • The meeting follows the signing, on 22 May 2024, of the first Decent Work Country Programme (DWCP) with the ILO, covering the period 2024-2027. This agreement is a strategic framework designed to promote decent and productive work.

During his visit, Mr. Houngbo met with Gabon's top officials and discussed youth employment, vocational training, and improving labour market access. For employers, this means a stronger emphasis on developing a workforce that meets market demands and reduces unemployment through targeted training programs.

The meetings also addressed critical issues such as child and forced labour, labour code revisions, and fostering social dialogue. These efforts aim to ensure that job profiles align with labour market needs and provide businesses with the right talent to drive productivity and growth.

Establishment of the Sub-Committee on Employment and Decent Work:

A significant outcome was the agreement to establish a sub-committee on employment and decent work at the National Assembly. This committee will play a crucial role in streamlining governance in the employment sector, making it easier for businesses to navigate and comply with labor regulations. It represents a commitment to implementing the ILO's recommendations, which align with global best practices.

Engagement with Workers' and Employers' Organizations:

Mr. Houngbo also met with the representatives of the Gabonese Workers' and Employers' Organization, emphasising the importance of social dialogue and the organisation of professional elections.

Jean-Baptiste Bikalou, Vice-President of the Fédération of Entreprises of Gabon, discussed employer-employee relations and current labour market challenges with Mr. Houngbo, stressing the need to improve labour practices to support continuous business growth.

Strengthening International Cooperation:

Meetings with the United States and the European Union ambassadors focused on strengthening international cooperation on decent work and social justice. For employers, this translates into better support systems and resources to tackle issues such as forced labour and to promote youth employment initiatives.