Co-funded by the European Union
Newsletter October, 2022

New Zealand: Employment Relations (Restraint of Trade) Amendment Bill

October, 2022
  • On 22 September 2022, Labour MP Helen White introduced the Employment Relations (Restraint of Trade) Amendment Bill (Bill) to Parliament. 
  • It seeks to amend the Employment Relations Act 2000 to include a restraint of trade provision that will “prohibit the use of restraints of trade in employment agreements for lower and middle-income employees”. 
  • The Bill will also require employers of higher income employees to carefully consider whether a restraint of trade is appropriate to those employees and, if they insist on a restraint of trade, to compensate the employees for it.

European Court of Justice (ECJ): The right to leave is not time-barred if the employee has not been put in a position to take it

October, 2022
  • On 22 September 2022, the European Court of Justice (ECJ) rendered an important judgment on an employee's right to paid leave.
  • It stated that the right to annual leave cannot expire without enabling the worker to exercise that right.

Sweden: new labour reforms entered into force

October, 2022
  • The proposal to revise the Employment Protection Act (EPA), presented on June 2021, was finally adopted. 
  • The reform described as the “greatest reform of Swedish employment law in modern times” entered into force on 30 June 2022 and applied for the first time as of 1 October 2022.

Mexico: Federal and local Center for Conciliation and Labour Registry now active.

October, 2022
  • The Federal Center for Conciliation and Labour Registry is the new body responsible for settling labour law disputes in Mexico, replacing the former conciliation and arbitration boards.
  • It became operational with effect on 3 October. This is the final phase of the implementation of the labour reform passed in Mexico in 2019.

Peru: government announces employment and economic package

October, 2022
  • On 13 September 2022, Perù’s Minister of Economy and Finance presented to representatives from private sector business and labour associations the government’s Plan Impulso Perú
  • The Plan aims to restart the country’s economic growth and promote job creation.