Co-funded by the European Union
Newsletter November, 2022

The Word 2022: Changes in ethical practice and management (a Ius Laboris report)

November, 2022
  • In a recently released report The Word 2022, experts from Ius Laboris alliance answer some key human resource (HR) issues, covering the proliferation of changes in the workplace and how employers can face them.
  • The addressed topic are talent and attraction, the uncertain economic outlook, HR technology, and HR’s increasing role in engaging with and recognising ethical issues that are important to employees.

Global Wage 2022-2023: the new ILO report

November, 2022
  • ILO just released the Global Wage 2022-2023 Report, one of its flagship reports on wage trends and policies at national and global levels that looks at the global economy and labour market context and the impact that the pandemic has had on wages.
  • This edition shows that, in the first half of 2022, there was the first negative global wage growth recorded since the start of the 21st Century.

Shopify changed its remuneration system

November, 2022
  • E-commerce giant Shopify changed its compensation system, introducing a new approach to reward employees with more financial flexibility as part of a long-term strategy to attract and retain talent.
  • Using proprietary software Flex Comp, employees can choose how they want to allocate their total reward between base salary, Restricted Stock Units (RSUs), and Stock Options, with new features like Shop Cash in the future.

Hornbach launches “Bespoke Working Hours”

November, 2022
  • On 22 September 2022, HORNBACH Baumarkt announced that, from 2023, employees will be able to change their working hours to suit their needs. 
  • The new working hour system aims to facilitate employees’ work lives and work-life balance and to address recruitment problems due to Germany’s growing shortage of qualified, skilled workers.

The European Commission published its 2023 Work Programme

November, 2022
  • On 18 October 2022, the European Commission adopted its 2023 work programme, setting out targeted action to further steer the Union towards a sustainable recovery.
  • The Commission aims at supporting people and businesses by reducing energy prices, securing the supplies critical for our industrial competitiveness and food security, or reinforcing our social market economy.

European Council approves EU Directive to improve gender balance on company boards

November, 2022
  • On 17 October 2022, the European Council approved the EU Directive , which aims to promote a balanced gender representation on the boards of listed companies.
  • The Directive stipulates that members of the under-represented sex should hold at least 40% of non-executive board positions in listed companies by 2026.

Belgium: social partners concluded Collective Bargaining Agreement No. 162

November, 2022
  • On 27 September 2022, the National Labour Council approved the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) no. 162 on the right to request flexible working arrangements.
  • It entered into force on 1 October 2022. 

New Zealand: Fair Pay Bill comes into law

November, 2022
  • New Zealand has recently introduced the new Fair Pay Agreements Act (‘FPAA’), legislation that establishes a new bargaining framework in New Zealand.
  • Last October, Parliament passed the Bill, which received the Royal assent on 1 November 2022 with effect on 1 December.