Co-funded by the European Union
Newsletter June, 2022

Uruguay: collective bargaining reform Bill

June, 2022
  • On 2 May 2022, the Executive submitted a draft law to Parliament to change the collective bargaining system in the private sector.

Goldman Sachs gives executives unlimited vacation time

June, 2022
  • On 1 May 2022, Goldman Sachs introduced a new global “flexible vacation” scheme that allows partners and managing directors to take time off when needed, without a fixed vacation day entitlement.

Netherlands: Transparent and Predictable Employment Conditions Bill passed

June, 2022

New Zealand: Protected Disclosures (Protection of Whistleblowers) Act 2022

June, 2022
  • The Protected Disclosures (Protection of Whistleblowers) Bill, introduced into Parliament in 2020, received royal assent on 13 May 2022 and will repeal and replace the Protected Disclosures Act 2000 (PDA) on 1 July 2022.  
  • It enables a person, from any organisation or business, to make a protected disclosure direct to an appropriate authority at any time, instead of needing to disclose to their employer first. It also extends and clarifies the grounds where protected disclosures can be made.

Germany: Federal Labour Court on the Burden of Proof in Litigation regarding Remuneration for Overtime

June, 2022
  • The Federal Labour Court on 4 May 2022 confirmed that in overtime proceedings, according to the German Law, employees must prove not only that they have worked overtime, but also that this has been ordered or at least approved by the employer.

France: Supreme Court confirms the validity of the compensation scale for dismissed employees

June, 2022
  • The Supreme Court, in two judgments (n°21-14.490 and n°21-15.247) of 11 May 2022 ruled that the so called 'Macron scale' - used to calculate compensation for unfairly dismissed employees – is compatible with the International Labour Organization Convention on Termination of Employment No. 158.

ILO Conference 2022: outcomes and resolutions

June, 2022