Co-funded by the European Union
Newsletter February, 2024

Singapore: “Businesses Need to Sustain Output for Four-day Workweek to Work” The National Employers Federation of Singapore (SNEF) recently analysed employers' perspectives towards the four-day working week and why they support it

February, 2024
  • The survey results were compiled in an interesting article published in the Singapore Labour Journal.
  • The report provides information on the opportunities and challenges of a four-day working week, highlighting potential trade-offs that could be adopted in different industries in Singapore.

Norway: decision on working and available time

February, 2024
  • On 2 November 2023, the Norwegian Supreme Court stated that offshore workers’ so-called “available time” - when the employee is available for the employer - pursuant to their CBA does not correspond to “working hours” under the Working Environment Act (“WEA”).

A new ILO Approach on Good Governance and Decent Work in Uzbekistan’s Cotton, Textile and Apparel Sector

February, 2024
  • On 29 November 2023, the ILO presented its new Approach to Good Governance and Decent Work in Uzbekistan's Cotton, Textile, and Apparel Sectors.
  • The ILO approach aims to achieve important objectives, such as respecting fundamental principles and labour rights  in the cotton supply chain, developing inclusive and sustainable enterprises, and strengthening the capacity of employers' and workers' organisations to promote decent work.

L’Oreal reinforced the “Share&Care programme”

February, 2024
  • In 2023, L'Oreal's social programme program Share & Care, created to provide social and health protection and wellbeing at work for all employees, often exceeding local requirements, celebrated its 10th anniversary.
  • Last November, the Company confirmed its commitment, adding to the program new measures related to cancer prevention and financial, psychological, and practical support during treatment and upon returning to work, as well as support for victims of domestic violence. 

EU: Provisional deal on the corporate sustainability due diligence directive reached

February, 2024
  • On 14 December 2023, the Council of the European Union and the European Parliament agreed on a text for the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD).
  • It requires formal approval by the Legal Affairs Committee and the European Parliament as a whole, as well as by the Council (EU governments) to enter into force. 
  • It aims to enhance the protection of the environment and human rights in the EU and globally.
  • The Commission proposal was introduced on 23 February 2022, and the Council adopted its general approach on 1 December 2022.

World Employment and Social Outlook: Trends 2024

February, 2024
  • On 10 January 2024, the International Labour Organization (ILO) published a new annual report on the global labour market, employment trends, and emerging labour market challenges.
  • The report shows a complex scenario, characterised by disparities between high- and low-income countries, a large part of the workforce employed informally and the prevision of a slight increase in global unemployment in 2024.
  • At the same time, although the recovery from the pandemic remains uneven and economic conditions due to inflation have worsened, labour markets have shown impressive resilience.