Co-funded by the European Union

South Africa: decision on fairness of dismissals

Case Background: Following a merger approved by the Competition Tribunal in 2016, Coca-Cola Beverages South Africa (CCBSA) began a retrenchment process due to economic pressures, including the sugar tax. Consultations with trade unions led to the dismissal of some employees based on operational requirements. The retrenched employees, assisted by the National Union of Food Beverage Wine Spirits and Allied Workers, challenged the dismissals, alleging substantive unfairness.

The Labour Court, in a decision that underscores the fairness of the retrenchments, ruled that CCBSA's operational needs justified the dismissals, despite any breach of merger conditions. The court's emphasis on legitimate business reasons for the dismissals further reassures the fairness of the process.

The Labour Appeal Court upheld the Labour Court's decision, stating that the fairness of retrenchments should be evaluated based on operational requirements rather than merger conditions. The LAC found no evidence that the merger was the principal reason for the retrenchments.

It agreed with the Labour Court that CCBSA had a commercial rationale for retrenchment. The court's role is to assess the fairness and commercial rationality of the employer's solution, not to determine its correctness.

The LAC's rulings, which carry significant weight in the legal landscape, underscore the importance of substantiating retrenchments with clear, ongoing operational needs.

Employers must demonstrate that retrenchments are driven by legitimate business requirements and that alternative employment offers are made to avoid dismissals.

These rulings provide a robust framework for employers to navigate the complexities of restructuring while ensuring compliance with labour laws.