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New Zealand: decision on consultation requirements under the collective agreement

Here is an overview of the court's findings and implications for employers and labour relations.

What was the central issue in the TVNZ case?

The primary issue was whether TVNZ breached its collective agreement by not involving staff in decision-making before announcing redundancies and canceling shows.

What was TVNZ accused of by E tū Incorporated?

E tū Incorporated accused TVNZ of failing to comply with clause 10.1.1 of the collective agreement, which mandates active employee participation in organisational changes.

Clause 10.1.1 requires TVNZ to support staff's active participation in organisational development and changes, involving them in decision-making processes from the developmental stages and discussing all relevant information openly and honestly.

How did the Employment Relations Authority respond to the accusation?

The Authority found that TVNZ breached its obligations under the collective agreement and issued a compliance order directing TVNZ to adhere to clause 10.1.1.

TVNZ challenged the Authority's determination, arguing that immediate compliance would disrupt their restructuring process and create financial burdens.

What were the key findings of the Labour Court regarding this case?

The Labour Court determined that TVNZ bypassed its obligation to involve staff in early decision-making stages, mainly by not disclosing the need to cut NZ$10 million in costs or discussing options for cost-saving measures with employees.

It dismissed TVNZ's challenge, reaffirmed the breach of the collective agreement, and issued a compliance order requiring TVNZ to engage in good faith participation with staff within 20 working days.

How does this case impact employers?

This ruling emphasises the importance of adhering to collective agreements, especially clauses that require early and transparent employee involvement in organisational changes. Employers must ensure compliance to avoid legal challenges and disruptions to their operations.