Co-funded by the European Union

Honduras: new agreement to reduce the gender pay gap and reduce discrimination and harassment in employment and occupation

  • Honduras has taken a significant step towards reducing the gender inequality gap in the workplace by implementing a new labour inspection protocol through AGREEMENT No. SETRASS-160-2024.
  • This initiative aims to address gender discrimination in employment and occupation, reinforcing the country’s commitment to fair labour practices.

How was the protocol developed?

The protocol was developed through thorough analysis and consultation with experts, including the Secretariat of Labour and Social Security (SETRASS) and the Directorate General of Labour Inspection (DGIT).

What types of inspections are included in the protocol?

The protocol introduces three types of inspections:

  • Ordinary Inspections: Focus on group cases while maintaining complainant anonymity.
  • Extraordinary Inspections: Address individual complaints.
  • Technical Advisory Inspections: Requested by employers or complainants for compliance verification.

What is horizontal workplace harassment, and how is it addressed?

Horizontal workplace harassment refers to systematic, repeated harmful actions by a co-worker. The protocol formally recognises and defines it, facilitating easier identification, addressing, and sanctioning such behaviors.

How does the protocol handle recruitment and early employment stages?

The protocol acknowledges that recruitment can lead to discrimination. It assesses discriminatory job planning and admission practices to promote a fair hiring process.

What types of discrimination does the protocol cover?

The protocol addresses:

  • Gender-Based Discrimination: Includes wage disparities, promotions, permits, licenses, and training opportunities.
  • Race and Class Discrimination: Recognises and addresses broader forms of discrimination that affect human dignity.

What legal and international frameworks support the protocol?

The protocol aligns with international conventions like ILO Convention 111, supports the Honduran Constitution, and adheres to the Law on Equal Opportunities for Women. It unifies inspection criteria, ensuring effective enforcement of gender equality.

What is the primary goal of this protocol for labour inspectors?

The protocol aims to unify procedures and parameters for detecting gender discrimination during inspections. This ensures inspectors can effectively identify, investigate, and remedy discriminatory practices.

What is the ultimate benefit of the protocol for employers?

It provides an "Evaluation Guide" to identify and rectify mistreatment and discrimination. guiding employers to conduct self-assessments to address potential issues proactively.

By adhering to the protocol, employers can ensure compliance with labour standards, foster an inclusive work environment, bridge the gender pay gap, prevent harassment, and contribute to broader gender equality goals in the region.