Co-funded by the European Union
Newsletter August, 2021

Colombia: A new Law that reduces the weekly working hours from 48 to 42

August, 2021
  • On 15 July 2021, Law 2101 of 2021 came into force reducing the working week from 48 to 42 hours
  • This reduction will take effect gradually between 2023 and 2026.  
  • Salaries and social benefits will not be affected or reduced under this new law.

Canada: Pay Equity Act will come into force on 31 August 2021

August, 2021
  • On 7 July 2021, the Minister of Labour, Filomena Tassi, announced that the Government will bring the Pay Equity Act into force on 31 August 2021, and that the final Pay Equity Regulations are available in Part II of the Canada Gazette.
  • Federally-regulated employers with 10 or more employees will have three years to develop and implement their proactive pay equity plans.
  • The governments of Yukon, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut and Indigenous governing bodies are currently exempt from the application of the Act. 

France: new law designed to combat the COVID-19 epidemic more effectively

August, 2021
  • Law No. 2021-1040 of 5 August 2021 on health crisis management covers two main measures: the extension of the health pass (‘passe sanitaire’) and the compulsory vaccination for certain categories of people working in the health sector.
  • Failure by the employer to comply with the obligation to monitor compliance with the vaccination requirement is punishable by a fine of 1500 EUR.

Mexico: Outsourcing and Insourcing Amendment were extended for one month

August, 2021
  • On 31 July 2021, a decree was enacted to amend and extend the terms provided for the implementation and compliance of the tax, labor, and social security obligations imposed to employers under the Outsourcing Amendment adopted last April.
  • The decree extends the deadline by which employers must implement the provisions of the reform to 1 September 2021.

Italy: Law No 106/21 and its innovations concerning fixed-term contracts

August, 2021
  • On 24 July, Law no. 106/2021 was published in the Official Gazette, turning into Law, with amendments, Decree Law no. 73(the so-called Support Decree-bis), which also includes the text of Decree Law no. 99 of 30 June 2021.
  • art. 41-bis, the legislator has made significant changes to the discipline of the fixed-term contract.

SOLIFEM: Social dialogue in Arab States, a new International Labour Organisation (ILO)’s project

August, 2021
  • The project will support the transition from the informal to the formal economy through tripartite social dialogue in Arab States
  • The move to formality is a way to increase access to decent work and reduce poverty, foster sustainable and productive enterprises that compete in fair domestic and international markets and increase the power of government.

Employers’ organisations and trade unions in Morocco are working on telework regulation

August, 2021
  • A legal framework for telework does not exist in Morocco yet.
  • The General Confederation of Moroccan Enterprises (Confederation Générale des Entreprises du Maroc, CGEM) announced to have finalised a draft law on teleworking to be shared with the two most representative trade unions in the private sector.
  • Once discussed with the unions, the copy will be given to the Minister of Employment to start the dialogue.

How EU member States are implementing the Whistleblowing Directive

August, 2021
  • Many EU Member States such as Estonia, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Portugal and Spain, have yet to publish a draft legislation to implement the EU Whistleblowing Directive
  • A minority of Member States have progressed with implementation including the Czech Republic, Finland, Netherlands, Romania and Sweden, with some differences in their approach
  • Member States must implement the Whistleblowing Directive by 17 December 2021.