Co-funded by the European Union

European Commission’s Report on telework and right to disconnect

The study identifies critical challenges, including maintaining work-life balance, managing remote performance, and ensuring occupational safety.

It emphasises the need for strategic responses to these challenges to leverage the benefits of telework while mitigating potential drawbacks.

Integrating information and communication technologies has enabled flexible work arrangements such as telework, which offers substantial benefits such as increased flexibility and potential for improved work-life balance.

However, these developments also introduce risks concerning working conditions and worker health and safety.

The pandemic accelerated the adoption of hybrid work models, combining telework with traditional on-site work, reflecting a strong preference among many employees and employers. The study reveals that the prevalence of telework in the EU has nearly doubled from 2019 to 2021, with a projected continuous evolution toward more flexible working arrangements.

Employers can expect benefits such as cost savings, improved work-life balance, and access to a broader talent pool. In response, the European Parliament has advocated for legislative proposals on the right to disconnect and an EU framework for telework to address challenges posed by digitalisation.

The study also found that almost half of the employers surveyed intend to offer more telework options, while over 50 per cent of employees desire greater freedom to telework. Both employers and employees recognise the benefits of telework, including cost and time savings, improved work-life balance, and better access to employment for disadvantaged groups. However, the study also identifies key challenges, including work intensification, risk of isolation, and potential erosion of work-life boundaries.

Employers need help with performance management and maintaining corporate culture in remote settings.

Employers must also consider the implications of remote work setups on occupational safety and health standards. Ensuring that home offices meet ergonomic requirements and addressing the psychological impacts of remote work are essential to maintaining a healthy workforce.

Moreover, workers believe employers should establish transparent policies to determine clear boundaries between work and personal time. This would avoid possible burnout and promote employee mental health, enhancing overall productivity and job satisfaction.

Looking ahead, employers should embrace the diverse landscape of telework adoption and regulations across different regions. Developing comprehensive telework policies  support employee well-being while enhancing productivity.

Engaging in proactive social dialogue with employees and adapting to the evolving digital landscape will help employers stay ahead in a rapidly changing world of work.

Here, you can find a global map on the right to disconnect around the world, and here is our previous article on the Eurofound recent report on its implementation and impact at the company level.