Co-funded by the European Union
Newsletter septembre, 2020

A Swiss referendum introduced paternity leave

septembre, 2020
  • As of 2021, a paternity leave of ten days to be taken within six months after the birth of a child will be introduced.  
  • The Swiss citizens supported the introduction of this measure by 60.3%. 

Qatar adopts new laws on mobility of migrant workers and the establishment of a minimum wage

septembre, 2020
  • The regulatory change abolishes the Kafala system and introduced a minimum wage that covers all workers including migrants  
  • These reforms are in line with the Qatar National Vision 2030, a governmental programme aimed at modernising the country’s labour market. 

Croatia: tripartite taskforce sets new measures to shorten the workweek and support employers

septembre, 2020
  • Croatia introduced a shortened workweek to support companies in their recovery phase 
  • Social dialogue was at the foundation of this initiative 
  • Business with over 10 employees significantly impacted by the Covid-19 crisis can receive financial support to compensate labour costs 

Indonesia: social partners from the garment sector sign a joint commitment

septembre, 2020
  • In August 2020, Indonesian social partners from the garment and footwear industries signed a joint commitment “to protect health, business sustainability and welfare of workers in these sectors”. 

IOE launches its Centenary Manifesto: a guide for the next centenary

septembre, 2020
  • On 2 September 2020, IOE members formally adopted the IOE Centenary Manifesto
  • The document details IOE core values inspired by its establishment a centenary ago and will continue to guide its work in the next centenary.  
  •  It elaborates on how governments and businesses can work together to meet emerging and future transformations in the world of work.   

Employment Protection Legislation in comparison: Chapter 3 of OECD Employment Outlook 2020

septembre, 2020
  • The OECD Employment Protection Legislation is a publication to be commended. 
  • Chapter 3 elaborates on how job protection matters for labour market and economic outcomes with a recently updated methodology and indicators. 
  • One key outcome: open-ended contracts have loosened, while fixed term contracts have been evenly loosened and restricted across OECD member countries. 
  • Chapter 3 outcomes are key for employers’ organisations and companies when advocating for policies in support of innovation, agility of the labour market, and productivity.   

IOE Centenary Summit: “Achieving a multilateralism reset: Business contribution”

septembre, 2020
  • UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, addressed the business community during the IOE Centenary Summit. 
  • The meeting focused on the role of social partners within the multilateral system, the importance of social dialogue and the private sector led economic growth recovery from the pandemic