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Italy: Amazon reaches agreement with Italian unions

  • On 15 September 2021, Amazon Italia Logistics and the workers' unions signed an agreement, undertaking to comply with the rules of the Logistics, Freight and Forwarding national collective agreement (CCNL) as a regulatory instrument for employment and labour relations.
  • It is the first agreement on the system of industrial relations with the e-commerce giant.

After a long and difficult negotiation process that reached the peak of the protest in March 2021 with the first general 24-hour mobilisation of all Amazon chain workers in Italy, a first national agreement is finally reached.

The day after the strike, called by the logistics unions and supported by the other categories, the Minister of Labour, Andrea Orlando, decided to open a ministerial discussion table, which saw the participation of the multinational, Conftrasporto, Assoespressi (which represents the companies that deal with the last part of the distribution of goods that is outsourced) and the general secretaries of logistics. The agreement concerns only the direct employees of Amazon Italia logistics, while the table with Assoespressi remains open.

With this agreement, Amazon opens the door for dialogue with the trade unions.

In terms of content, the agreement envisages the implementation of initiatives at national level: regular meetings on the problems of the e-commerce sector, preventive meetings on business development and investment strategies in local areas. It also conceives training opportunities for employees in individual sectors, including through the reference employers' association, Conftrasporto; the identification of the most suitable tools to monitor employment trends, with the aim of encouraging growth and employment continuity, and a dialogue with the institutions in the competent forums on any social and health issues.

By signing the protocol, the parties undertook to verify the correct application of the CCNL at Amazon, based on the actual activities carried out. The protocol seeks to ensure consistent economic and regulatory treatment for all workers - including those on temporary contracts at Amazon - who operate within the framework of the CCNL. According to the trade unions, the agreement will finally allow negotiations to begin on issues such as working hours, shifts, workloads, grading levels, health and safety.

Amazon Group commented: “In recent months we have worked to establish a positive dialogue with the trade unions in line with what the Minister of Labour has suggested. The protocols signed today represent further proof of our commitment to establishing a constructive and responsible dialogue with workers' representatives at both national and site level. We believe that relations based on these foundations can further our investment strategies in the country, where we have invested over six billion in the last 10 years, creating 12,500 permanent jobs''.

The General Secretary of Conftrasporto-Confcommercio, Pasquale Russo, said: “In recent months we have worked to establish a positive dialogue with the trade unions, in line with the suggestions of the Minister of Labour Andrea Orlando. We believe that relations based on these foundations can favour Amazon's investment strategies in the country. The protocols signed represent further proof of our commitment to establishing a constructive and responsible dialogue with workers' representatives at both national and site level".