Co-funded by the European Union
Newsletter mayo, 2021

Spain approves a “Riders Law”

mayo, 2021
  • The “Riders Law” will enter into force on 12 August 2021.
  • It is the result of a tripartite agreement, reached after 5 months of negotiation.

Labour Rights enforcement in Uzbekistan: what is new?

mayo, 2021
  • The Government of Uzbekistan started reporting on compliance with workers’ rights, in line with international labour standards ratified in the country.
  • It provided data on the last cotton harvest and the sharp decrease in forced labour.

New Zealand government is determined to have a new Fair Pay Agreement System that is not respectful of social partners’ voluntary bargaining

mayo, 2021
  • New Zealand has made advancements on the Fair Pay Agreement System, after we reported about the national debate surrounding it in this article.
  • On 7 May 2021, the Government announced the design of the new Fair Pay Agreement system, but the draft Law is yet to be elaborated.  

Proposal for a European Directive to strengthen the application of the principle of equal pay for equal work or work of equal value between men and women

mayo, 2021
  • The draft European Directive aims at closing the gender pay gap through pay transparency and enforcement mechanisms.
  • It clarifies the meaning of the expression of “equal pay for equal work or work of equal value” and the methodologies to assess it.
  • It obliges companies with more than 250 employees to annually report in detail about the gender pay gap.
  • It shifts the burden of the proof and foresees fines and remediation provisions in case of violation.

The Chadian National Social Dialogue Committee and the role of employers for economic reactivation

mayo, 2021

• Interview to Mr Ali Abbas Seitchi

2021 International Labour Conference has already started its virtual works

mayo, 2021
  • The 2021 ILC will first discuss topics such as the impact of Covid-19 on the world of work and the ILO’s response, social protection and the application of international Labour Standards.
  • A second part of the Conference to be held in November 2021 will discuss the topics of inequalities and skills.