Co-funded by the European Union
Newsletter julio, 2020

Private Employment Services Pave the Road to Recovery after Covid-19

julio, 2020
  • WEC presented its three areas of priorities to recovery, namely developing the conditions for going back to work, facilitating activation and transition of agency workers, and allowing the access to social protection.

French energy Group covered Covid-19 hospitalization costs for its employees worldwide

julio, 2020
  • ENGIE Group anticipated part of its ENGIE CARE programme for social protection;
  • It mobilised important funding to ensure payment of its suppliers, SMEs and micro enterprises;
  • Adopted a 15% pay cut of managers policy.

Spain introduced the Minimum Vital Income, a measure to fight against poverty independent of employment active search

julio, 2020
  • The Minimum Vital Income is ensured to all low-income individuals or families, for as long as their income conditions do not improve.
  • It is not linked to other subsidies or active search of employment.

New Zealand modifies legislation to favour business sustainability and collective agreements’ ratification

julio, 2020
  • New Zealand corporate and commercial property laws were temporarily reformed to increase the prospect of business surviving;
  • Employment and industrial relations regulations were reformed to include electronic means of signing collective agreements.

Italy: fixed-term contracts can be renewed without specifying the reason until 30 August 2020

julio, 2020
  • The Relaunch Decree ease the condition for use of fixed-term contracts,either through private employment agencies or directly with the employer;
  • These contracts offer good guarantees and safeguards compared to other forms of work, ranging from bogus self-employment to illegal work.

Venezuela: Social Partners Presented a Bipartite Manifesto for “Productive and Decent Work and Social Justice”

julio, 2020
  • Venezuelan social partners presented a landmark declaration.
  • They called for the adoption of urgent measures to restore decent living conditions, decent work, and stimulate the economy.
  • Through virtual meetings, social partners will present concrete actions deriving from the Manifesto.

The Netherlands: a Bipartite Fund Increases Employability of Agencies’ Workers through a Voucher of 500 Euros for Training

julio, 2020
  • Vouchers can be used for training on the job, or on-boarding at a client or at a regular employer.
  • So far 595 agency workers used the voucher to upscale their workers and fill vacancies of sectors in higher need. 

Federation of Kenya Employers (FKE) Sign a Tripartite Memorandum of Understanding to Set the Way forward on Covid-19

julio, 2020