Co-funded by the European Union
Newsletter julio, 2022

Germany: a new law implements the Working Conditions Directive

julio, 2022
  • On 23 June 2022, the German parliament passed a bill to implement the Working Conditions Directive (EU) 2019/1152 into German law. 
  • The German Bundestag passed the draft law (BT-Drs. 20/163620/2245) in the committee version (20/2392). If Bundesrat passes it without any objections, the new law will come into force as of 1 August 2022. 

Netherlands: New legislation on remote work

julio, 2022
  • On 05 July 2022 the Dutch House of Representatives (Tweede Kamer) approved a bill that estabilishes home working as a legal right, making the Netherlands one of the first countries to grant remote working flexibility by law.
  • The bill needs the approval from the Dutch senate before its final adoption.

European social partners agree to revise 2002 framework agreement on telework

julio, 2022
  • On 28 June 2022, the European social partners signed a work programme 2022-24, that includes the negotiation of a legally binding agreement on ‘Telework and right to disconnect’.

European Commission welcomes Member States’ targets for a more social Europe

julio, 2022
  • On 17 June 2022, EU employment and social affairs ministers presented their national targets to deliver on the European Pillar of Social Rights Action Plan by 2030, aiming to reach the three EU headline targets for employment, skills and poverty reduction.

Staffing Executive Regulatory Outlook 2022

julio, 2022
  • The last edition of the Staffing Executive Regulatory Outlook (SERO) presents the result of a survey to executives of staffing national federations around the world on the probability and potential impact of regulatory changes in the industry within the next six months.
  • In India, Italy and Mexico, the provisions are that regulation changes for staffing industry will have an overall strong and positive impact on the sector, while Belgium, Norway, Germany and Sweden are expected to have the most negative impact.

G7: new commitments on gender equality, inflation, climate change and support for a just transition to a sustainable and inclusive future

julio, 2022
  • On 26 June 2022, G7 Leaders, at the end of their annual Summit, confirmed their commitment to addressing global challenges as growing inequity, achieving gender equality, the rising cost of living, climate change, pandemic preparedness and the need for a just transition to a sustainable and inclusive future.